Homeschool Science - from Stratton House



The included binoculars are these TASCO 8x21

I got my kit (Astronomy, Birds and Magnetism) and I love it! It is, by far, the most complete, best organized, science package I have ever received. The lessons are well organized. The teacher helps are useful. I am impressed by your thoroughness.

Maureen Fonken, Seattle, WA

Astronomy, Birds and Magnetism is the first kit we designed, and is still our most popular. With 62 activities in 43 lessons, this kit provides enough once-a-week hands-on science to last the whole school year and then some. 

The box is packed full with enough supplies for two children working together. Includes all the lessons from Astronomy, Birds, and Magnetism.

We designed this set to be hands-on experiments to draw children in and let them be the scientists. Almost no parent prep is needed, Everything needed is in the box. 

We chose  activities that were so engaging that children should remember what they've learned, not for a week, but for years.




Also available without binoculars, in case you have your own. To order, first choose whether you want binoculars with your kit.



This kit is designed for one or two children who could work together as lab partners. 

NEW!  Create your own
2-in-1 kit or 3-in-1 kit and save money.

Save $10 for each topic beyond the first [savings included in prices shown].

Or use this to double or triple the equipment in any one topic.

Choose First Topic . . .                          

then Second Topic . . .                       

and Third Topic (optional)


Astronomy, Birds and Magnetism 

comes with all the lessons and equipment found in the Astronomy Adventure, Discovering Birds, and the Magnetism Adventure.

To see a full list of equipment and lessons, as well as many sample lessons, visit those pages.



A review from Home Educators Family Times

New Science Adventures! from Stratton House

byJane Boswell, editor of Home Educator's Family Times 

     (appeared in 1997; vol. 5, #4)

Home Science Adventures from Stratton House are incredible!They are made for homeschool use and are designed for grades 1 through 8. There are activities and worksheets for all ages.

The kits come complete with enough high quality material to work with two children. If you have a large family or are working in a group, extra 'consumables packs' can be ordered, each providing enough material for two more children and at a very reasonable cost...*

Each kit comes with over a hundred pages of lessons, parent guides and worksheets in a handy folder and everything has been kid-tested. All of these are already hole-punched and will fit nicely into a three-ring binder. The materials can be used as a foundation for good science or to supplement regular textbook routine.

But, best of all, I felt like a kid at Christmas when I opened up that box of 'goodies'. The kit I received to review even included a pair of sturdy binoculars and a beautiful bird feather that I can make into a quill pen and so much more neat stuff that (I have to confess) I didn't want to share with anyone else.

Stratton House promises that these 3 sets are just the beginning. There's more to come. I can't wait! These are highly recommended- but parents, you'll have to share with the kids!!

* References to prices have been deleted.

CHEC This Out! 

Spotlight Review of Home Science Adventures

by Amy Menges,
CHEC Homeschool Update    (appeared 1998, Qtr 2)

The list of of "common household objects" needed with other curriculum had often been our downfall, so the first thing that appealed to me was the statement on the box that "everything is included. "It's true! Even the paper clips are included! The only thing you need to provide is the use of scissors, an empty soda bottle to make a bird feeder and a three ring binder to keep the student's worksheets together (they're 3-hole punched). I sent my son to the neighbor's to get a soda bottle out of their recycle bin, and I was set.

The next pleasant surprise came when I opened the box. It's packed with fun stuff, including a pair of binoculars for bird watching, solar system stickers, and a neat little box of magnets. I was hooked. I couldn't wait to find out what all these "goodies" were for. So I started investigating the written material.

The parent guide is 24 pages, short enough to not feel intimidating. The beginning of each unit lists additional books and web sites that can be used for further research. Each lesson includes three parts. Lesson Notes give a couple of sentences of tips to help the lesson go smoothly. Keys provides the answers to the questions on the student worksheets. Further Explorations are additional ideas for older students or for kids who are having too much fun to quit. At the front of the parent guide they mention that a child could also keep a science journal of his observations if desired. The student's worksheets are equally well laid out. We found the lessons easy to use, and really fun to do. My children looked forward to each lesson almost as much as I did!

I highly recommend this curriculum for busy parents wanting an easy way to provide their children with fun, hands-on science.