Homeschool Science - from Stratton House


We try to make science fun for children to do 

and easy for parents to teach.

The Science Kits

Home Science Adventures are exciting hands-on science lessons that feature observations, modeling, and experiments that are fun and work well. It's a curriculum for studying and doing science at an introductory level. Our family designs and puts these kits together. To make the science easy to teach, the lessons are written for the children to follow, and everything needed is in the box.

We have 6 topics: 




Microscopic Explorations

Insects & Bugs

Light & Optics

If you run into any trouble or questions on one of our Home Science Adventures lessons, please let us know so we can help!

Contact Info

Stratton House 

3701 NE 10th St.

Renton, WA  98056


Some Questions about Home Science Adventures:

How do you select the activities used in Home Science Adventures? 

We start by researching hundreds of ideas and try them ourselves. The best of these we present to homeschooling co-ops to see how well they work with kids. You'd be surprised how many supposedly "tried and true" science activities don't work in real life with real kids. To make it into our kit, a lesson needs to be fun and clearly convey the science objectives, the directions must be easy to understand, and the activities must actually work in real life with real children! 

The best activities are then written into self-directed lessons and presented to other children to iron out any problems with the instructions (children are so good at finding ways to goof up an otherwise perfect lesson! : )  We often rewrite and retest many times, but when we're done, we have a product that children will truly enjoy and learn from.

For what ages?

Are Home Science Adventures appropriate for my child's age?

Home Science Adventures are designed to appeal to children in grades one through eight. The lessons are written for grades 3-6 and children of different ages can easily work together. 

To see if the lessons would appeal to your children, take a look at some sample lessons. These are PDFs in the table of contents for each topic.

For how many children?

How many children can use a Home Science Adventures kit?

Home Science Adventures kits are intended for one child, or two children working together. They can also be used by 3 children at the same time if you add some materials. 

See Extra Parts for our recommendations.

Prep time?

How much parent prep time is necessary before each Home Science Adventures lesson? 

Two minutes; just long enough to open the box, read the lesson notes in the parent guide, and let your children begin.

More questions?

My background in science is weak. How much expertise is required to use Home Science Adventures?

None. Any expertise you bring can be used to enrich the lesson, but our lessons assume no prior knowledge.

Do Home Science Adventures teach about evolution or creation?

No. Home Science Adventures is a curriculum of hands-on discovery.